
About Library

The BGVS’S Arts and Commerce College was established in 1987. In the beginning, it had a small library was housed in a class-room in a rented building. When the college was shifted to its own building on the highway (N H 66) in the year 1993, the library started functioning in the big room for stocking and issuing books, and other room for reading. A library is the center of academic activities in the life of a college. Ex- minister, Sri  Prabhakar Rane, Founder-Chairman of the Bapuji Grameen Vikas Samiti, had a clear vision as regards the college. He knew the importance of library in the college life. Thanks to his foresight, a separate structure was built up in 1995 for the library on the first floor of the building dedicated to encourage and promote reading habits among the students and staff members.


In the  light of “ Bahu Jan Hitaya ; Bahu Jan Sukaya” to make student  user focus, user-centered culture and  acquire information/ knowledge purely on general needs, and further to develop user instructional programs to extend basic information literacy competencies and life-long learning skills.

Working Hours of the Library:

  • 8.30 a.m     –     5.30  p.m   on Week Days with a lunch break
  • 8.30 a.m     –     1.30  p.m   on  Saturdays

 Working Days of the Library:

The Library functions on all working days. It is closed on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Library Services

  • Reference service’s.
  • Document Circulation (Home Issues).
  • Access to Journals Periodicals.
  • OPAC and Internet facility to staff and Student for information retrieval.
  • Book Bank facilities for poor and backward students.
  • Clipping and career guidance books for competitive exams
  • User orientation
  • Reading Room facilities
  • New arrival Display and Exhibition
  • Extra- issue of books to students at the time of exams.

Library Advisory Committee:

There is a Library committee. Constitute Principal as the Chairman of the committee. The Principal nominates five teaching and one administrative staff as the members. The Librarian acts as the secretary of the committee.

Committee Members :

Dr. H.H.Bhat                           –          Chairman

Prof. D.P. Naik                       –           IQAC Coordinator

Sri. S. V.Shet                          –            Member Secretary

Prof. P.V.Rane                       –            Member

Prof. S.B.Naik                         –           Member

Dr. (Smt) S.D. Nayak             –            Member

Shri P. M. Juvekar                  –           Member



  • Reader shall maintain an atmosphere of quietness and dignity inside the library.
  • Periodicals, reference books and ready reference are for reference in the library only.
  • After reading the newspaper please keep it back in newspaper stand.
  • Students should take care of their bags, purses, calculators, library materials etc, left on the table.
  • Readers should have to produce their identity card on Demand and wear college uniform.
  • At end of the sixth Semester “No-Due Certificate” from the library will have to be obtained.
  • Replace the chairs in proper position after reading.
  • The person should be present at the time of issuing the books.


  • Making noise, spitting, smoking or bringing walkman etc., is strictly prohibited.
  • Bringing and using Mobiles inside the library is strictly prohibited.
  • No refreshments or foodstuffs of any kind shall be consumed any where inside the Library.
  • Sleeping in the library is misconduct.
  • Library materials should not be marked effaced in any way and illustrations, maps, charts etc., should not be removed.
  • Books and other library materials borrowed from the library for reference must be refereed in the library premises only and should not be taken outside the library.
  • Wearing informal dress inside the library is strictly prohibited.
  • Librarian and staff shall not be responsible for the reader’s bags or valets or calculators or library materials left on the table.


  • Readers shall maintain perfect silence in the library.
  • Making noise, spitting, and smoking or bringing walk man, cell phone etc; is strictly prohibited.
  • Students shall take care of their bags, purses, calculator, etc. Library is not responsible for any loss of personal belongings.
  • Librarian is entitled to cancel membership of any person found taking unauthorized books from the library.
  • Reference materials should not be taken out of the library.
  • Periodicals and question papers shall not be lent except for reference and consultation and shall not be lent home.
  • Books will be issued for ten days.
  • The books may further be renewed twice provided there is no recall for the book from any member at the time of renewal.
  • A book may be reserved by requesting orally.
  • If the book is not returned on or before the due date, the student will  be informed for return or renewal of the book on working day shall not be levied over due charges.


  • In case of loss, damage, or mutilation done to a book, the member shall have to replace the same new book.
  • Check the condition of the book while borrowing, in case already damaged it should be reported immediately. The discretion of the librarian is final in this regard.
  • No person is entitled or permitted to mutilate disfigure and deface by writing.
  • Question Papers shall not be lent except for consultation and reference work and shall not be lent home


Acquisition Section

This section belongs to the former type which regulates the acquiring and preparing the material for use into serviceable articles without delay and minimum cost. Once the books are acquired these have to be    technically processed before these are used by readers.

 Technical Section

The section has main activities here are classification and cataloguing the documents. The Classifying documents of the library according to the Dewy Decimal Classification. This helps in arranging all books in proper way. The OPAC [on line public Access] helps to readers locate books by author, title and subject.

Before the books and other documents reach the shelves, other processes are involved in making these available to users. These include verifying physically  and accessioning, stamping with the library seal etc.  All these activities are carried out in this section.


This section represents the hub of library activities where lending out of books to readers is facilitated. In the Circulation Section Various functions are  undertaken viz. Registration of new members, lending of books , reminders for overdue books, reservation of books, renewal of functions are done on computers in addition the same being done manually.

The circulation section functions have been computerized to give faster service to our members. Three computers have been installed exclusively for the members to search books by title author, keywords and subject through OPAC (On-Line Public Access Catalogue)

 Periodical Sections

This section aim is to provide inspiration, recreation and current information to the readers. Due to vast knowledge explosion, newspapers and periodicals literature has a very important place these days in all fields whether it is Commerce, Arts, or Humanities because readers are more often get current information from periodical literature rather than books.

Here, readers have access to wide range of newspapers, magazines,  and journals with topics of relevant interest. Clipping are displayed on notice board from newspapers on announcement relating to admissions, vacancies employment, and examination results and time table etc. These are very useful to the readers for providing them information without hassles while saving their time.  Current issue of the magazines are being displayed on the rack  to make their maximum use by a large number of readers.  About 22 periodicals and 5 newspapers are received in  Kannada and English languages.

Stock Section:

The stock section is Comprehensive up-to-date coverage for library stock. Find breaking library stock state of art subject and in depth coverage with subjects.

Reference Section

The basic objective of the reference section is to assist the clientele to use resources of the library in an effective manner leading to their optimum utilization. Reference service is the most intensive kind of personal service which attempts to bring together the user and information in a personal way.  There are two types of reference services, direct and indirect.  Under direct reference services, personal assistance is provided, directly to the user.  It may take the form of library instruction and information service.

The current era has acquired the name of “Information Era”.  Libraries and computers can contribute towards efficiency in disseminating of information.  Keeping in track with the changing scenario, the library has started disseminating information on the internet and e-mail services.  Very shortly services providing ONLINE access to various databases shall be started.